

Famous Witches

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Around the World

Swedish Witchcraft and Witches

    Sweden went relatively unscathed by the witch hysteria as under the reign of Queen Christina during 1618-1648. After this the country witnessed an outbreak of witch panic.

    The Mora witchcraft trial began in 1669 after initial investigations began 70 adults were charged. 23 of those charged pleaded guilty and confessed all including that some 300 children attended the feasts some say they were dragged but many believed the children would look forward to these activities.

    Due to the seriousness of the situation the commission passed sentence upon 83 including the 23 who had confessed and 15 children. The first executionss that took place the prisoners were first beheaded and then their bodies were burned to ashes. Another 36 children were forced to run the gauntlet and were beaten with rods for a whole year. 20 of the youngest were thrashed on the hands at the church door three Sundays in a row.


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